    StartReisetippsRogalandPulpit Rock Preikestolen

    Pulpit Rock Preikestolen [ENGLISH]

    Pulpit Rock (also Preikestolen or Prekestolen) is a massive cliff which rises 604 metres above Lysefjorden in Rogaland. It is definitely a „must-have“, if you are planning to visit Rogaland province.

    Hiking up to the top takes you two or more hours, depending on weather and your constitution. But if you are finally at the top of the 25×25 metres plateau, you will be reaward with an amazing view over Lysefjorden. Back down in the valley, you could buy some sourvenirs or refreshments at a small kiosk near the parking place.

    Puplit rock is quite famous and very popular. About 100.000 tourists and other people are hiking up there every years. People even married on the top and musicians give concerts there.

    If you are not so interested in hiking up all the way, you will also a very good view down from Lysefjorden by doing a trip with a boat. Different trips starting towards Lysebotn every day. More information will be given in „Lysefjord Sightseeing“ leaflet.

    How to get there


    Starting in Egersund, you have to follow the road E39 until you reach the side road to Rv45 (just before arriving in Ålgård). In Oldedal you have to drive lefthand onto Rv508. After following the road about 9 kilometres, you have to follow Rv13 until you get to a small ferry pier called  Oanes. Ferries are crossing approximately every 20 minutes to the other side.

    Follow the road towards Jørpeland until you get to Jøssang. Now you have to follow the by-road circa 5 kilometres before you get to the parking place of  Preikestolhytta.


    Follow the road Rv13 towards  Jøssang, while passing Tau and  Jørpeland.  Now you have to follow the by-road circa 5 kilometres before you get to the parking place of  Preikestolhytta.

    Insider’s tips and Informationen

    • Ferrycrossing between Lauvik-Oanes costs about 73 NOK per car (with driver). Additional adults have to pay 30 NOK per person. The ferry crosses about two times a hour and about 30 times per day. Times can differ on weekend (status 2016/05, thanks Natascha!)
    • If you want to park your car at the parking place of Preikestolhytta, you have to pay 150 NOK (status 2016). Parking at the roadside and camping is strictly forbidden. You can pay by credit car or with 10 and 20 NOK coins. (Thanks, Heine!)
    • It is recommended to start your trip in the morning. From our experience, there are a lot of more people in the afternoon. In addition, you will not be devitalized so much by the midday sun
    • Adequate shoes, which means hiking boots! Really. You have to cross e.g. a couloir. Altough we have seen people walking around with Flip-Flops and sandals – very bad idea.
    • Take enough water with you. You will thirsty, espescially when the sun is shining.

    Our trip

    Starting early in the morning on 26th July 2006, when drove about 14 kilometres to the parking place of  Preikestolhytta.

    Der Preikestolen vom Lysefjord aus gesehen

    We had to walk for about 2 hours and 15 minutes up to the cliff, which rises 604 metres above Lysefjorden. It was really hot outside this day, so we had to take some breaks. Of course we took our hiking boots with us. Reaching the couloir, we were very happy that we have taken them with out. Some tourists really tried to go up with Flip-Flops there, which was really irresponsible!

    Die Felsrinne, die es zu überwinden gilt

    Pulpit Rock is one of the most popular sightseeings in Norway. Why? Yeah, some parts of the route are a little bit stressful, but most of the way can be covered easily. If you have finally done it, you will get one of the best views (sunny weather required) in Norway. Lefthand you can look towards  Lysebotn, final end of Lysefjorden.

    If you need more information, especially regarding how to get there, check out, where you will find some useful information


    Camping at Preikestolen

    You will find a camping site close to the parking place at Pulpit Rock: „Preikestolen Camping“. Due to the fact, we are no camper ourselves, we only can refer to relevant comments on Tripadvisor or Eurocampings. All in all it seems the camping site seems to be ok, but is very expensive compared to other sites. To be very close to Pulpit Rock might be the reason for it.

    A current price list (updated February 2016) can be find below

    Car + Tent
    Car+ Caravan
    Camper van
    200 NOK (ca. 21 €)
    Motorbike+ Tent170 NOK (ca. 18 €)
    Bicycle+ Tent
    Tent / additional tent
    160 NOK (ca. 17 €)
    Adult40 NOK (ca. 4 €)
    Child (4 – 16 Jahre)30 NOK (ca. 3 €)
    Electricity40 NOK (ca. 4 €)

    More information


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    Tobias Steinicke
    Tobias Steinicke
    Tobias und seine Familie sind begeisterte Norwegen-Enthusiasten, lieben die dortige wunderschöne Natur und fotografieren gerne.Weitere Informationen über Tobias findest Du auf seinem , Facebook oder Instagram

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